Ideological rbota Vitebsk subsidiary Unitary communal production plant boilers and heat networks "VPKiTS"

"Ideology - a system of ideas, views, representations, feelings and beliefs about the goals of social development and human, as well as on ways and means to achieve these goals, embodied in the value orientations, convictions, volitional actions, motivate people to strive toward these goals "

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Deputy director for ideological work of the State Enterprise "VPKiTS" Alexander Vasilyevich Kusharev (wire. 63-92-35).


Ideological work at the enterprise is carried out systematically. Annually drawn up and approved long-term plan, which defines the objectives and priorities in the work, as well as the quarterly plans of the ideological support of the most important socio-political campaigns and important dates.


The functions of the organization of ideological work in the company entrusted to the deputy director on ideological work A.V.Kushareva.

The task of the ideological work of the company is to achieve a fair and high-quality labor, creative potential and the formation of personality, for which the company has all conditions.


The goal - to instill patriotism, high civil and moral position of employees.


C in order to inform the members of the staff of public policy, government activities, socially- Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region on a monthly basis in the workplace to pursue a common awareness days, preparation and conduct of which has been created on the enterprise information- propaganda group, composed of the heads of departments and community groups. Materials on a single awareness day are posted on the information board of the enterprise.


As part of the implementation of the Directive on №2 27 December 2006. "On the de-bureaucratisation of the state apparatus and to improve the quality of life support of the population" organized the work with citizens, provision of administrative procedures for public, informing citizens on the application principle "single window". The company's management carries out personal reception of citizens in the days and times by appointment.


As part of the implementation of the Directive on №1 11 Martha 2004 g. N 1 "On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline" achieving public security tasks is realized:

- maintaining adequate labor and executive discipline;


- promotion of healthy lifestyles; the establishment and maintenance of safe working conditions and production discipline;

- maintaining proper firefighting object state;

- regular analysis of the practice of responding to the complaints of citizens.


And created the commission on the fight against drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction (order №218 from 18.04.2016 g). Each year, the Commission developed a work plan, aimed at preventing workers drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours and at the workplace. Conducted as unannounced inspections to monitor compliance with anti-alcohol legislation. Quarterly meetings of the Committee for combating drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction, considered to reports of the police department of disturbing public order by employees. The results documented in minutes of meetings.

With a view to promoting a healthy lifestyle, HIV- AIDS lectures in the team- conversations with medical professionals, ROVD etc.. Sporting activities among the workforce Football, volleyball, table tennis, dedicated to Health Day, Day to combat smoking, AIDS Day, etc.. Top athletes enterprises take an active part in the annual winter and summer Olympics of industry in various sports, in regional competitions, tourist meeting etc.


Printed publications are sources of information, from which you can learn the latest and most accurate information. To maintain and expand the horizons of information about political and economic developments in the country and outside the enterprise is organized departmental and individual subscription to periodicals. by departmental and individual subscription plan is executed in full.


Ensure continuous updating of information at the information stands of different directions, which contains the basic regulations of the ideological work, instructional materials for core activities of the enterprise, government and state, collective agreement, internal rules and labor regulations, Presidential Directive, Information on occupational safety, Trade union Committee, Work on the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", the principle of "single window", etc.. Information boards provide information about the most important events, placed orders, plans and key performance indicators of the enterprise, ads, etc.. There is stand "Board of Honor", which are recorded the names of the best workers of the enterprise.


A large role in organizing the participation of members of the staff in the most important political events of the country, tasks, facing a team, play the primary organizations: NGO "Belaya Rus", NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". The members of the primary organizations participate in regional events, promotions, competitions. Actively participate in carrying out

election campaigns, are observers at the polling stations, It is part of the initiative and campaign groups.



Ideological problems are solved in close cooperation with the social forces, associations, created in the workplace.

Deputy director for ideological work of the State Enterprise "VPKiTS" Alexander Vasilyevich Kusharev (wire. 63-92-35).


overhead organization


Department of Ideological Work and Youth Administration Railway District g. Vitebsk

Address: 210001, g. Vitebsk, st. Astronauts, 3but,


Head of department of ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs, to. 410 - Aleshkovich Olga E. (wire. 60-56-78)


Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of Vitebsk city executive committee

Address: 210026, st. Castle, 4, to. 405, 415, g. Vitebsk.


Head of department of ideological work and Youth Affairs of Vitebsk city executive committee, to. 405 - Ignatkova Tatiana (tel.33-60-03)


General Directorate of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee

Address: 210010, g. Vitebsk, st. Gogol, 6


Head of the main ideological work and Youth Affairs of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee - Egorov Gennadiy Mikhailovich (tel.42-58-28)


The main ideological department of the Presidential Administration

Address: g. Minsk, st. Kirov, 43


Head of the Main Ideological Department of the Presidential Administration - Shpilevskaya Olga